Theatre & Performance
I am a theatre-maker, creative technologist and multidisciplinary designer who creates hybrid, interactive and multilingual performances using technology and media.
My performance pieces often brings ‘live’ technology – creative coding, live camera and video mapping, artificial intelligence, APIs, automations and other digital techniques and media – onto the stage.
MA Advanced Theatre Practice (Distinction) at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London with the support of the Chevening Scholarship.
Bachelors of Management Studies (Hons - First Division) at the Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi.
Additionally I've attended and trained in short courses, programs and workshops with diverse facilitators and institutions across India and internationally.
Video as Agent, Chris Kondek, Universität der Künste / University of the Arts (2023)
AI 2 Amplify: Fellowship in AI Ethics and Aesthetics, Goethe Institut (Online) (2023)
The Time Is Now, a course on Live Art Amitesh Grover, Serendipity Arts Foundation (SAF) (2022)
BeFantastic Within: Fellowship in AI in Performance, BeFantastic India, Future Everything (2022)
Sketch Theatre Lab, Soho Theatre London (2021)
Writer’s Lab Mumbai, Soho Theatre, G5A Foundation for Contemporary Culture (2021)
Theatre Appreciation Course 2020 National School of Drama India
Ecole Nomade 2020 by Ariane Mnouchkine (Théâtre du Soleil)
Workshop: Theatre Of The Oppressed by Akhila Khanna
Workshop: Advanced Improvisation (Short-Form) by Varoon P. Anand (Kaivalya Plays)
Workshop: Basic Improvisation (Long-Form) by Varoon P. Anand (Kaivalya Plays)
Workshop: Facilitation 101 (Based on React UK’s Model) by Varoon P. Anand (Kaivalya Plays)
Workshop: Body Language for Adults by Bikram Ghosh & Kriti Pant (Tadpole Repertory)
Workshop: Physical Theatre Masterclass by John Britton (Duende School)
Workshop: Basics of Immersive Theatre by Nayantara Kotian (Crow)
Workshop: Introduction to Acting by Saleem Shah
Workshop: Deciphering Texts by Quasore Thakore Padamsee (QTP)
CCP Synergy Grant: Institute fur Ausland Beziehungen (IFA)
Mining Hate at CAPAS Festival in Goettingen, Germany
Parivartan Annual Grant for Artistic Research
Creativity Pioneer Award for Kaivalya Plays, Moleskin Foundation
AI to Amplify Fellowship (Goethe-Institut)
Premiere: Climateprov at FutureFantastic Festival
Bundeskanzlerstipendium / German Chancellor Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung)
BeFantastic Within: AI Arts Fellowship (BeFantastic)
C3: Codes Creativity Community Grant (BeFantastic, Goethe-Institut India)
Mining Hate: Artists for Media Grant (Mediafutures)
Premiere: The Amazing Flabby Breasted-Virgin & Other Sordid Tales
Safety in the Performing Arts (Arts Research Grant), India Foundation for the Arts
Lifeline 99 99 at Rangashankara Festival (Online) 2021, ReConnect Online Festival and Living Room Festival
Completed MA Advanced Theatre Practice (Distinction) at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Premiere: Lifeline 99 99
Chevening Scholarship, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of United Kingdom
Theatre Appreciation Course (Online), National School of Drama India
Premiere: Luz Negra
Ecole Nomade 2020 (Pondicherry), Theatre du Soleil
Premiere: Aguebao (Gender Bender Grant), Sandbox Collective & Goethe-Institut India
Premiere: Mukta la Piadosa at Almagro Internacional Festival de Teatro Classico
Premiere: Footnotes, Akshara Theatre
Premiere: Unravel (Refunction Grant), Goethe Institut India
Writing & Articles